4 Difficult Divorce Situations and How to Handle Them
You may not realize just how complicated or challenging divorce will be until you are in the thick of it. Between conflict with your spouse and the difficulties your children are experiencing, you may find that the path to divorce is rocky. This could be because you have significant marital assets to divide, or because your spouse is mentally ill. Maybe your attempts at resolving your divorce through mediation are going nowhere, or your split is leading to financial difficulties. Whatever difficult divorce situation you are facing, the important thing is to handle it with a clear head instead of giving into emotional reasoning. Your attorney can offer you additional advice that pertains to your particular situation.
Challenging Divorce Situations and Solutions
Some difficult divorce situations people face include:
High level of conflict - Divorcing a person you can no longer tolerate being in the same room with can be quite challenging. Every mediation session turns into a shouting match. You send your sister to pick up the kids so you do not have to see your spouse. Your ex is disparaging you on social media. One solution - other than going through litigation - is attorney-facilitated negotiation. This way, you never have to deal directly with your spouse; each of you need only communicate with your own lawyer.
Substantial marital estate - The higher the net worth of your marriage, the more difficult it can be to untangle a complex and intertwined financial situation. There may be no easy way to resolve asset division, but your best bet is to settle property division together rather than going to court and trying the case.
Unstable spouse - It can be incredibly difficult to go through a complex legal process like divorce with a person who is not mentally or emotionally stable. Mediation and negotiation may fail because your spouse will not participate or keeps changing their mind. In this event, it may be best to prepare for litigation, as efforts at negotiation are unlikely to work.
Contested custody - Child custody battles are hard on all involved. A guardian ad litem may be necessary to represent the child, investigate each parent’s situation, and make recommendations for the child’s best interests. If you suspect that your spouse is "coaching" your kids or trying to alienate them from you, it will not go unnoticed by this professional.
Contact a Collin County Divorce Lawyer
The Ramage Law Group can help you tackle even the most difficult divorce in Texas. Our experienced McKinney divorce attorneys are prepared for any challenge. Call 972-562-9890 for a consultation.
Source: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs4.asp?DocName=075000050HPt%2E+IV&ActID=2086&ChapterID=59&SeqStart=3900000&SeqEnd=5400000
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