8951 Collin McKinney Parkway, #1401,
McKinney, TX 75070

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Highland Park Divorce Attorney

Divorce Lawyers in Highland Park Providing Passionate Legal Support

Navigating a divorce can be a complex process, both legally and emotionally. At The Ramage Law Group, our attorneys are experienced in handling all aspects of divorce proceedings, from financial matters to issues affecting a couple's children. We ensure that our clients receive dedicated legal support throughout the divorce process, and we help them reach equitable solutions that protect their interests and those of their children.

Handling Property Division in Texas Divorce Cases

Texas is a community property state, which means that assets acquired by either spouse during a marriage are considered to be joint property that must be divided in a divorce. The division of property can become complicated when it involves assets such as:

  • Family businesses: Evaluating and dividing interests in a family business requires a detailed understanding of business valuation methods, the legal and financial implications of continued business ownership, and options for dividing business assets along with other marital property. Our lawyers work with financial experts to ensure a fair valuation, and we provide guidance on the best approach to dividing or maintaining business operations post-divorce.
  • Real estate property: From the marital home to investment properties, real estate holdings represent significant assets that must be assessed and divided between divorcing spouses. We handle negotiations and legal strategies to achieve an equitable distribution of property, whether that means selling the property or refinancing a home in one spouse's name.
  • Retirement accounts and pensions: Spouses will need to take the correct steps to divide retirement assets without incurring unnecessary taxes or penalties. Our attorneys help structure the division of these assets through qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs) or other legal instruments.
  • Personal property: Personal assets such as vehicles, furniture, art, and jewelry may also need to be evaluated and divided. We help clients categorize these assets and negotiate fair settlement agreements.

Addressing Child Custody and Parenting Agreements

Child custody, which is referred to as conservatorship in Texas, is one of the most critical issues to resolve during a divorce. Our approach focuses on protecting the best interests of the child. We help our clients negotiate parenting agreements that detail conservatorship rights and define visitation schedules. These agreements will specify how parents will share the rights and responsibilities of raising their children, and they will also specify where children will primarily live and when they will spend time with each parent. We strive to help parents reach amicable agreements that support their children's well-being while ensuring that both parents can remain actively involved in their children's lives.

Financial Support

Financial considerations are a cornerstone of divorce proceedings. In some cases, one spouse may be required to make ongoing payments to the other. Forms of support that may be paid include:

  • Child support: When children live primarily with one parent, the other parent will usually make regular payments to ensure that the children's needs and expenses will be addressed. We can help ensure that child support orders are established based on the guidelines of the Texas Family Code.
  • Spousal support: Also known as alimony or maintenance, this form of support may be warranted if one spouse is at a financial disadvantage because they earn a lower income or are a stay-at-home parent. We can help ensure that all relevant factors are considered when addressing issues related to spousal support, including the duration of the marriage and each spouse's financial status.

Options for Resolving Divorce Disputes

The divorce process can be completed through various means. Options for addressing divorce-related issues and finalizing a case include:

  • Mediation: Couples may work together to negotiate a settlement with the help of a neutral third party.
  • Collaborative law: The spouses and their attorneys may commit to resolving disputes outside of court through cooperative techniques, and they may also work with other professionals, such as child specialists or financial advisors.
  • Litigation: When consensus is not reachable through negotiation, mediation, or collaborative law, our skilled litigators are prepared to advocate vigorously for our clients' interests in court.

Contact Our Highland Park Divorce Attorneys

At The Ramage Law Group, we understand the complexities of divorce and the impact that it can have on all aspects of your life. Whether you are concerned about protecting your assets, advocating for your parental rights, or securing financial support, our team is here to provide the guidance and representation you need. For comprehensive legal support during your divorce, contact us at 972-562-9890. Let us help you navigate your divorce with confidence, ensuring that your rights and interests will be protected every step of the way.

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Finding The Right Attorney Matters. Contact Us Today.

A family lawyer does much more than simply provide legal answers. Our lawyers explore a variety of different solutions to help you achieve your goals and secure your family's financial and emotional future and stability.

To discuss your case or set up a consultation, call us at 972-562-9890 or use the online contact form.

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