8951 Collin McKinney Parkway, #1401,
McKinney, TX 75070

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Allen, TX Fathers' Rights Lawyers

Reputable Attorneys Helping Dads Protect Their Rights in Allen, Texas

Fathers who are entering a divorce or child custody case may not know their rights. Even if they have played a large role in their children's lives, they may now face uncertainty about maintaining close contact with their kids. As parenting roles have changed, outcomes in custody cases have changed as well, and fathers' rights can and should be protected. If you are a divorcing or unmarried father, you need an Allen, TX fathers' rights attorney who will fight to make sure you will be able to maintain joint or sole custody of your children.

The Ramage Law Group can help fathers address the legal issues associated with child custody. We strive to help dads keep close relationships with their children. We will work to find the most stable and consistent circumstances for the children involved, which can include splitting equal time between a mother and a father or even residing primarily with their father.

How an Allen, Texas Fathers' Rights Attorney Can Help You

Changing parental roles and responsibilities means that Texas courts no longer automatically award a mother the custody of children in a divorce or other custody case. Our Allen, TX fathers' rights lawyers know it is desirable to have both parents involved in raising children to provide them with stability and support. After a divorce, this would mean that both parents share decision-making on how children should be raised. This includes input on matters including education and healthcare.

A father will have a better case for shared legal custody when he can show he has been an involved parent in the past, that he can help his children maintain a positive relationship with their mother, and that he will be able to provide for his children's needs and development. Our attorneys will help fathers show the ways that they contribute to their children's parenting and build their case for the appropriate custody situation. These can include:

  • Maintaining a diary of daily activities involving children, including school-related and extra-curricular activities, doctors' appointments or other involvement with medical decisions, and other daily parenting responsibilities.
  • Keeping up with other day-to-day parenting responsibilities, including helping with children's homework or getting them to and from school.

A father who was involved in his children's upbringing during his marriage should expect to remain so after a divorce. If you believe that your children's primary residence should be with you, The Ramage Law Group can help represent you and make your case.

There are other situations where The Ramage Law Group can help fathers deal with a variety of family law matters. Our lawyers can help you face the challenges of a high-conflict divorce where custody disputes may involve a variety of complicated issues. These can include mental illness, or drug or alcohol abuse. We can also assist with child custody modification or child support modification cases when the situation has changed since the initial court order. Whether you are looking to modify the court's orders based on changes in your life or your ex-spouse's situation, the Allen, TX fathers' rights attorneys of The Ramage Law Group are ready to help find the best solution for you and your children.

We Fight for Allen, Texas Fathers' Rights

In these changing times, we are a law firm that will fight for the rights of all parents, unmarried fathers included. We can help you through a divorce or custody dispute. We can provide you with a confidential assessment of your case, and you can contact us by calling our office at 972-562-9890 or through email. We are proud to serve clients in Allen, Prosper, Frisco, Plano, and McKinney and throughout Denton County, Tarrant County, Collin County, and Harris County.

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Finding The Right Attorney Matters. Contact Us Today.

A family lawyer does much more than simply provide legal answers. Our lawyers explore a variety of different solutions to help you achieve your goals and secure your family's financial and emotional future and stability.

To discuss your case or set up a consultation, call us at 972-562-9890 or use the online contact form.

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