8951 Collin McKinney Parkway, #1401,
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University Park Divorce Lawyers

Divorce Attorneys in University Park Handling Spousal Support and Property Division Matters

Divorce is not just a legal dissolution of a marriage. It is also a complex untangling of lives that have been intimately connected. This process can be particularly challenging when it involves significant assets, children, or high levels of conflict. For people who are getting divorced in University Park, a skilled lawyer from The Ramage Law Group can provide invaluable guidance and representation and help navigate these challenges effectively.

Financial Considerations in Divorce

A divorce will involve a detailed scrutiny of a couple's finances, and the decisions made can significantly impact each party's future. Key financial issues that need to be handled carefully include:

  • Property division: In Texas, the law aims for an equitable distribution of marital assets. This does not necessarily mean a 50/50 split but rather a fair distribution based on various factors such as the length of the marriage and each spouse's individual needs. Assets that may need to be addressed include the marital home, investment properties, and personal belongings acquired during the marriage. A lawyer from The Ramage Law Group can help ensure that property division is handled fairly, considering all relevant factors to achieve a just outcome.
  • Spousal support: This form of support is designed to provide financial stability to a spouse who may have a limited earning potential. When determining whether spousal support will be appropriate, various criteria may be considered, including the standard of living during the marriage, the duration of the marriage, and each spouse's financial resources. The attorneys at The Ramage Law Group understand the nuances of spousal support, and we can effectively argue for an equitable arrangement that ensures you are neither unfairly burdened nor denied the support you deserve.
  • Complex asset division: For couples with substantial assets, the property division process can be complicated. Issues like business valuation and the division of retirement accounts require a deep understanding of financial matters and tax implications. The lawyers at The Ramage Law Group have experience with high-asset divorces, and we help our clients navigate the complexities of asset evaluation and the equitable division of retirement benefits, working to secure their financial interests.

Addressing Child-Related Issues

Divorce can be especially hard on children, and it is vital to address their needs sensitively and adequately. The major concerns that parents may need to address during the divorce process include:

  • Legal custody: This form of child custody refers to the right to make significant decisions about a child's life, including issues related to education, health care, and religious upbringing. In Texas, courts typically encourage joint legal custody (also known as joint managing conservatorship), allowing both parents to share these responsibilities unless doing so would be detrimental to the child's best interests. The attorneys at The Ramage Law Group can help you negotiate legal custody terms that will protect your parental rights and provide for your children's best interests.
  • Physical custody: Parents will need to determine where their children will live primarily and when they will have visitation time with each parent. Establishing physical custody arrangements and visitation schedules requires a thoughtful approach that prioritizes the child's stability and well-being. Our lawyers are adept at crafting custody arrangements that support a nurturing and stable environment for children.
  • Child support: To ensure that a child's daily and long-term expenses will be fully addressed, orders will usually be put in place to ensure that parents are providing the necessary support. It is crucial to ensure that child support obligations are calculated correctly, and wage garnishment orders or other arrangements may be put in place to make sure payments are distributed correctly. The team at The Ramage Law Group is skilled in representing our clients' interests in child support matters, and we can take steps to address children's ongoing needs.

Contact Our University Park Divorce Lawyers

The experienced lawyers at The Ramage Law Group provide compassionate representation focused on achieving our clients' goals during divorce cases. We work to protect our clients' rights while focusing on finding solutions that will provide for children's best interests. To schedule a consultation with a skilled family law attorney, contact us at 972-562-9890. We are ready to help you during this challenging time, and we will work to secure the best possible future for you and your family.

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Finding The Right Attorney Matters. Contact Us Today.

A family lawyer does much more than simply provide legal answers. Our lawyers explore a variety of different solutions to help you achieve your goals and secure your family's financial and emotional future and stability.

To discuss your case or set up a consultation, call us at 972-562-9890 or use the online contact form.

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