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Highland Park Fathers' Rights Attorney

Lawyers in Highland Park Fighting to Help Dads

In the landscape of family law, fathers often face unique challenges. Even if they have been closely involved in their children's lives, they may struggle to be treated fairly when addressing child-related issues in family court. Fathers may be concerned about their ability to continue serving in important parental roles, and they may worry that the time they will be able to spend with their children will be limited. To ensure that they can protect their parental rights and resolve legal issues successfully, fathers will want to make sure they have strong, experienced legal representation during family law cases.

At The Ramage Law Group, our attorneys are committed to helping fathers navigate complex legal issues related to their children. We work to protect the rights of fathers and ensure that they receive fair and equitable treatment under the law. Whether addressing issues related to paternity, child custody, or child support, we work to ensure that our clients will be able to maintain positive relationships with their children in the years to come.

The Importance of Establishing Paternity for Unmarried Fathers

When a couple has a child while they are not married, the father will not be automatically recognized as the child's legal parent. In these situations, establishing paternity is a critical first step in securing a father's parental rights and building a strong foundation for his relationship with his child. Paternity not only affirms the biological link between a father and his child, but it also ensures that the father will have ongoing legal responsibilities toward the child while protecting his parental rights.

Unmarried fathers in Texas can establish paternity voluntarily through an Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP) form or through a court order issued by a family court judge. The voluntary approach is often simpler, and it will establish parental rights after both parents agree about the identity of the child's biological father. If there is any dispute, or if the mother is uncooperative, the father can file a petition to establish paternity, and genetic testing may be ordered. If a DNA test confirms the biological relationship between the father and child, the court may then take steps to establish child custody and child support orders.

Legal Steps to Address Child Custody Issues

Once paternity is established, issues related to child custody may then be addressed. In Texas, legal custody is referred to as conservatorship, and it addresses the rights of parents to make decisions about child-related issues such as education, healthcare, and religion. Physical custody will also be addressed, and a father will usually have the right to have reasonable amounts of visitation time with his child.

Fathers may take the following steps when addressing issues related to child custody:

  1. File a suit affecting the parent-child relationship (SAPCR): This legal process will address parental rights and responsibilities. When a father initiates this type of case, he may seek the right to be involved in making decisions for his child, and he may also seek to establish visitation schedules that will allow him to spend time with the child on a regular basis.
  2. File a proposed parenting plan: This document will outline the father's proposals for the division of parental rights and responsibilities, including living arrangements, healthcare decisions, and educational plans. The mother may also file a proposed parenting plan, and the court will determine how to resolve differences between the two proposals and put arrangements in place that will provide for the child's best interests.
  3. Mediation and negotiation: If there are disagreements about how to handle child custody issues, the father and mother may work together to negotiate a parenting plan with the help of their attorneys, or they may work with a neutral mediator to determine what arrangements will be appropriate.
  4. Court hearings: Parents may be able to file an agreed parenting plan, and after review by a judge to ensure that it provides for the child's best interests, child custody orders may be put in place. If agreements cannot be reached, a trial may be held, and the judge will make the final decisions about child custody.

Contact Our Highland Park, TX Fathers' Rights Lawyers

At The Ramage Law Group, our family law attorneys understand the unique challenges faced by fathers in divorce and child custody cases. We are committed to providing compassionate representation and helping fathers maintain positive relationships with their children. To learn how we can help protect fathers' rights in cases involving paternity and child custody, contact us at 972-562-9890 and schedule a consultation.

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Finding The Right Attorney Matters. Contact Us Today.

A family lawyer does much more than simply provide legal answers. Our lawyers explore a variety of different solutions to help you achieve your goals and secure your family's financial and emotional future and stability.

To discuss your case or set up a consultation, call us at 972-562-9890 or use the online contact form.

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